my storyportrait

Friend - Allyson

tree of importance

Knowing that, as an adult, she chose to be my friend. That she continues to do so..after nearly 30 years. The associations and growth from each of our lives' traumas and happiness.

A familiarity close to that of family. The interest in her as a person and her aims. Relying upon her sense of humour, intelligent understanding thorough research, careful recording and generosity with sharing of her own experience. Having children. Partners. Parents. Operations. Travelling. All manner of relationship traumas. All these have Allyson's interest, suggestions....and laughter.

The comfort of a true friend who brings her own richness to my life, with the added benefits of Indian curry, stories of India and a fascinatingly different childhood. The only time off between us was the time in 1974 that I ate Allyson's last piece of caramel fudge!

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