my story


world milestones

Halley's Comet

Passing through our skies from late 1985 to April 1986, taking approximately 6 months as it went around behind the sun where we couldn't see it and came out again in 1996.

However for those of us in Melbourne it proved a bit of an anti-climax as the best viewing times had overcast skies as Melbourne tends to have..a lot.

As a Programming Officer at the new Victorian Arts Centre, 1985 had been a wonderful year for me and continued to bear fruit into 1986. Inspired by my students at Richmond High, I had commissioned a play with a new developmental workshop process with writer John Romeril and a team of actors from V.C.A. The result was an exciting example of professional theatre and the scripting process from February to August had been very rewarding.

My horizons exploded after I had been sent on professional exchange to New York to study the Lincoln Center Institute. We had renovated the house and been world expanded...this once in a lifetime cosmic event had left its lasting impression with me too.
I continued to work with the Arts Centre team for a further 6 years and found it creative stimulating rewarding for every minute.
A once in a lifetime opportunity to mould the early development of an Arts Institution with an artistic policy geared to its community.. a role energetically supported from the Chairman of the Board , the General Manager and most staff... again, sadly, remembered as a once in a lifetime cosmic event.

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